Quotidian Home is a place to explore all things creative and domestic.

You can find her professional biography at AnnaBlanch.net

Along with her work in child welfare and victim advocacy, Australian-born Writer and photographer,  Anna Blanch Rabe, cares deeply about thoughtful engagement with arts and culture.  In addition to being one of the founding contributors of Transpositions, a collaborative project on Theology, Imagination, and the Arts, and a former columnist for Bigbible.org.uk‘s #Digidisciple project, she has had scholarly & freelance articles published in a wide range of publications including Englewood Review of Books, Australian Folklore, Case Magazine, Immerse Magazine and Journal of Inkling Studies. With degrees from the Australian National University and Baylor University, Anna worked on her PhD with the Institute of Theology, Imagination and the Arts, at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, but did not submit her thesis. Her academic research focuses both on the work of iconic British author, E.Nesbit (author of Railway Children) and the role of literature in spiritual formation.  Anna has presented papers to the British Association of Victorian Studies, the Modern Language Association, the International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture, and the Conference on Christianity and Literature to name but a few.

You can see where Anna will be speaking soon here (under development). You can contact her through this form.
Connect with Anna on Academia.edu, Linked In, Instagram, facebook page, & Twitter. You can view more of her photography.

Reader. Thinker. Writer. Traveler. Dreamer. Scholar