One of RM’s favourite things is Peanut Butter. In fact he loves Celery, but only because it is the perfect vehicle for peanut butter, one of his go-to post run snacks. These are an occasional treat.
RM’s Peanut Butter Cookies
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
4 oz (125g) Butter
1/2 cup peanut butter.
1 egg
1 cup baking flour (gluten free Red Mill)
Throwing it together!
Use good quality dark brown sugar – moscovado tastes good in this. Use a peanut butter without any additives. If there is sugar in the peanut butter, reduce the brown sugar amount. Melt peanut butter slightly. Melt Butter slightly. Mix Brown sugar, butter and peanut butter together. Crack egg into mixture, and add gluten free flour, mixing to slightly sticky dough. place flour on hands. Use a spoon to break of some dough, and roll in your palm till smooth and round. Place in rows on a greased tray on parchment paper. Using a fork flatten balls of dough.
Cook for 10-13 mins at 180 degrees celcius (350 deg. farenheit). Makes approx 28.
Variation: Add a couple of chocolate pieces on the top of some of the cookies. This is a real treat.
These are fun and don’t take long to whip up at all!
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